Hi readers! I know it has been a long time since I have written in my blog. You know how life gets in the way sometimes and we wander off the path. Well, that's what happened to me. Let me fill you in on what has been going on.
In my personal life I have had lots going on. My husband and I had both of our grown children, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren (16 mos. & 4 mos.) living in our small and very cramped cape cod for the past six months. Needless to say there were days where I wanted to pull my hair out. Tempers flared, moods changed frequently (hey, I am beginning my change of life...lol), and we were all just plain getting into one another's way. Well, my son, DIL and grandson moved out a few weeks ago and just a week ago our daughter and granddaughter left the nest. It is just Ron and me and our Boxer Carmen (she thinks she is human don't ya know). We are loving our alone time so much. It's so easy preparing meals now for just two. Our expenses are coming down finally. It is so nice.
Ron planted a veggie garden for us this year. I want to can tomatoes this year and hope to attempt to make my own spaghetti sauce as well. We are all salsa lovers so I thought I would put up a few jars of that as well. Love to have the canned things in the winter months. Nothing like it.
I just returned from a week's vacation in Canada. I went up to visit my best friend Caroline and her family. It was wonderful to see them but coming home was the best. I knew my house would be empty and I was looking forward to that so much. I do miss Caroline and the kids. I hope to someday return for a visit but don't think it will be for a year or two.
As for stitching, well that hasn't been a priority for me in the last couple of weeks. I have done some finishes since my last post. Let's see, here is what I have finished since I last wrote:
March Ornament
A Janlynn's Wizzers Kit -
Billy & Birdie ....
April Ornament
Design: All Is Calm
Designer: Little By Little Design Co.
Source: JCS 2000 Ornament Issue
Fabric: 32 ct Natural linen
Threads: DMC
Monthly Heart SAL
April Heart:
The above image was created for personal use from copyrighted designs owned by © Gencat
That is all for now. I have another project to share with you but will do that in a separate post. Thank you for reading my blog everyone. Have a beautiful day filled with blessing from above. Until later.....